- - Industry Veterans René Wiertz, Gérard Vroomen and Andy Ording Launch Vestment Fund

Industry Veterans René Wiertz, Gérard Vroomen and Andy Ording Launch Vestment Fund

New Dutch-based investment fund, Fundracer, has a mission to provide capital and hands-on support to companies poised to become leaders in the fast-growing micro-mobility industry.

Founded by bike industry entrepreneurs René Wiertz, Gérard Vroomen, and Andy Ording, Fundracer is positioned to support companies to maximize their chances of success.

Fundracer aims to help shape future transportation trends and generate healthy returns for its investors. It has already made ‘significant investments’ in three innovators:

  • Newton Rider: a helmet company aiming to increase helmet use in micro-mobility;
  • Bo: an e-scooter specialist; and
  • Specter: a speed-pedelec company with a unique 2-wheel drive system and dedicated software.

Andy Ording, former owner of ZIPP wheels and co-founder of Fundracer, said “I look forward to bringing our expertise to entrepreneurs in the industry, helping them bring more innovation to market and creating truly global winners.”

A recent McKinsey study found that the micro-mobility market is expected to grow three-fold in the next 10 years to US$520 billion by 2035.

Gérard Vroomen, serial entrepreneur and founder of Cervélo, is also a founding partner in Fundracer. He said “We are extremely selective in our targets and only invest in companies and markets where we can really make a difference with our expertise. We want to bring the smart money and maximize the success rate of the companies we invest in.”

The fund’s strategy is centered on delivering value to its portfolio companies, helping them navigate challenges, scale operations, and achieve global market leadership.

René Wiertz, former owner of 3T, and founding partner of Fundracer, added “A number of key leaders in the business community have already joined as strategic investors. Most of our investors are also volunteering to support the start-ups we invest in with their knowledge, and in that way, we aim to create a full ecosystem of support within the fund.

“Our unique combination of industry knowledge, entrepreneurial experience, and passion for cycling positions us to identify and support the next generation of micro-mobility champions.

“Our investors recognize that after the investment boom and bust in the cycling industry, valuations have adjusted significantly, and therefore there is no better time to invest in this industry as right now.”



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