- - New Ride App "Groupetto" Launches

New Ride App “Groupetto” Launches

A new ride app called Groupetto has launched, offering cyclists an innovative iOS app that embraces the competitive spirit of the sport and turns group rides into a real experience. 

What makes Groupetto special?

Groupetto offers a simple and intuitive interface, familiar from modern apps, and is tailored specifically to the needs of cyclists. All common Bluetooth sensors can be paired to provide detailed insights into individual performance. Crossed summits and passes are automatically recorded and saved to capture special moments. And points can be collected for each ride and for each fellow rider.

Perfect for group rides

As soon as another rider nearby is detected, Groupetto enables real-time communication via stickers and direct comparison of live data, such as speed, heart rate, and wattage. At the end of each group ride, the fastest rider is determined. In addition, the collected points, achievements, and the last ride together can be viewed for each fellow rider.

On the market since 2023

Groupetto was founded in 2023 by passionate cyclists with extensive experience in software development. With Groupetto, they launched their own project specifically designed for group rides and athletic competition. The app is currently available only for iOS, but an Android version is planned. Groupetto can be used free of charge.

What’s next?

In the future, Groupetto will be expanded with even more features to make group rides even more exciting. Planned features include real-time challenges and new ways to directly compare your performance with others. Our goal is to make Groupetto the leading platform for group rides and elevate the group riding experience to the next level.

In conversation with the founders

Robert Schulke and Christian Menschel, founders of Groupetto

What inspired you to develop Groupetto?


Road cycling naturally has a competitive spirit. You always want to challenge yourself, get faster, and improve. The real excitement comes when you’re riding in a group. That’s when it really gets serious – you measure yourself against others and push each other. It’s motivating to see directly how you stack up against the rest.

Sure, you can look at your data afterward. But you never really know the conditions under which others rode their times. What really matters is when everyone rides at the same time under the same conditions. That’s when everyone can show what they’re capable of. That’s exactly why we’re developing Groupetto – so you can enjoy this experience live and in real-time.

How does Groupetto differ from other cycling apps?


What makes Groupetto truly unique is the way riders connect with each other. There are no complicated setups, no endless pairing processes. Groupetto connects automatically. Communication happens directly from device to device, without any external servers. If you briefly lose the connection, the app will automatically reconnect as soon as you’re back in range. You can focus entirely on your ride without worrying about connections, networks, or signal strength. Everything runs in the background, and you stay seamlessly connected – whether for real-time communication or direct comparison of live data. Your phone can simply stay in your back pocket.

What is your vision for the future of Groupetto?


Our vision? Imagine an open league where individuals and teams can challenge each other – no matter where you’re riding. You compete live, without any barriers. Whether you’re riding solo or as part of a team, we want to create a platform where cyclists around the world can compete against each other with ease.

And who knows, maybe one day there will even be live finals, where everyone comes together to race for the title. Imagine: The best riders and teams face off, and everything is on the line. That would be the ultimate highlight, where the excitement and fun are taken to the next level. That’s exactly the direction we’re thinking – it’s about creating more than just an app. It’s about creating a real experience.

Find out more at Download Groupetto for free from the Apple App Store and discover how group rides can become a truly unforgettable experience.

About Groupetto

Groupetto is the app for cyclists that combines the group riding experience with the spirit of competition. With innovative features, Groupetto offers a whole new way to ride together – whether on a relaxed tour or in a race. Without complicated setups and with direct communication between riders, every group ride becomes a dynamic and memorable experience. Groupetto is designed for all who share a passion for cycling and are always looking to improve.





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