Our friends at Peloton Magazine recently did a nice write up on the Rotor QXL Chainrings. Dig !
It’s a rare piece of equipment can be credited with legitimately helping win a grand tour. Lemond’s aero bars did it in 1989 and flash-forward to the 2011 Vuelta a Espana and it was Rotor Q-Rings helping Juan Jose Cobo secure his victory. Stage 15’s summit finish atop the fabled, demonically steep, Angliru climb saw Cobo spin a smooth cadence away from agroup of favorites that appeared to be pedaling squares. Q-Rings enhance the power phase and minimize the recovery phase through ovalization, and it makes perfect sense. Power is not created equally around the circumference of your chain ring so why not optimize the moments it is created?
– See more at: http://www.pelotonmagazine.com/Tested/content/23/2717/Rotor-QXL-Rings#sthash.CtmE1fx2.dpuf
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