- - Body Rocket Announces Crowdfunding Campaign

Body Rocket Announces Crowdfunding Campaign

Body Rocket has announced the launch of a crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter, offering the world’s first and only real-time aerodynamic direct drag force measurement system for cyclists and triathletes, providing them with live metrics and reliable aero data at their fingertips.  

While wind tunnels are widely considered the gold standard when it comes to accurately measuring aerodynamics, there’s only a limited number in existence. These facilities can be expensive to use and are often reserved for athletes at the very top level of sport. Still, even if a wind tunnel was easily accessible, testing requires an expert to interpret the data while athletes are limited to a static position.  

However, the Body Rocket system uses a series of wireless, proprietary force sensors that are located at key contact points on the rider such as the handlebar, stem, seatpost, saddle and pedals, along with an out-front mounted airspeed sensor. As a result, the system can measure and transmit aero data directly into a Garmin head unit, giving live feedback on a rider’s aerodynamics and body position. Moreover, the brand’s proprietary AI-driven analysis software ‘BRIAN’ (Body Rocket Individualised Ai Network), guides users through the process and helps them track their progress over time without needing an aero expert.

Launching its first-ever pre-order today via Kickstarter, Body Rocket is offering its system in a number of different options, with discounts for early-backers starting at £2,200 including aero coaching packages with renowned former pro cyclist Alex Dowsett and his coaching company Thighs Club. T 

Eric DeGolier, Founder of Body Rocket, said, “This is a significant moment both for Body Rocket and for me personally. It’s the culmination of years of ideation, development and refinement and I’m really proud of what we, as a team, have accomplished. We set out on a mission to make aerodynamics more accessible to all cyclists and triathletes and I’m pleased to say that we have achieved that and can’t wait to start manufacturing and shipping. Seeing our systems out in the world, in the hands of consumers, has the potential to not only advance human performance but also help shape the development of new generations of cycling products and progress our entire collective understanding of cycling aerodynamics”.

You can pre-order Body Rocket at

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