- - JIVR Chainless eBike

JIVR Chainless eBike

JIVR | Bike is the one-of-a-kind, hassle-free, urban electric bike. JIVR | Bike offers the benefits of cycling without the lifestyle compromises that come with cycling. No more sweating or mud and grease marks on your clothes. Ride in style!

JIVR | Bike is chainless.

JIVR | Bike incorporates the latest technologies. We developed a state of the art mechanical chainless drivetrain, and built it into the JIVR | Bike frame. We have made it hassle and maintenance free for you. What’s more, you can still use the JIVR | Bike as a regular pedal bicycle if your battery runs out of juice or if you just fancy getting more exercise.

JIVR | Bike folds up.

Concerned when you chain your bike to a fence that the bad guys have chain cutters? Or that they might steal you e-bike’s batteries? JIVR | Bike folds up in four simple and ergonomic moves into a compact package that is easily wheeled into your building and stored under your desk. It also weighs less than 33lbs (15kg) and our battery is built in.

JIVR | Bike is electric.

Zip along like it’s downhill all the way and enjoy an effortless ride on your electric bike. No more sweating on the way to the office. JIVR | Bike is compliant with regulations at 16mph or 20mph (25km/h or 32km/h), offers a 20miles (30km) range, and is charged with a regular 120V (also 220/230V) plug in 90 minutes.

JIVR | Bike is smartphone friendly.

JIVR | Bike is smart phone compatible. Still want more? Dock your smart phone on the handlebar, view your distance travelled, monitor your calories burned, and navigate your way through the city with GPS.

JIVR | Bike is beacon enabled.

We believe in the endless imagination of our JIVR | Bike users and don’t want to limit its usability to the very features we’ve developed for you. That’s why we’re giving you open ended iBeacon technology powered by Now the JIVR | Bike can interact with any smart device around you the way you want. Drop us a line if you’re a developer.

To load your JIVR | Bike with cool features, JIVR together with will run two ‘hackathons’ in London and San Francisco prior to the shipping date. All of the apps developed and functionalities will be available for free!

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