- - Olympians Laura and Jason Kenny Headline Children's Cancer Fund

Olympians Laura and Jason Kenny Headline Children’s Cancer Fund

National children’s cancer charity, Cyclists Fighting Cancer, are delighted to announce the appointment of Laura and Jason Kenny as their first charity patrons.

Now in their 17th year, Cyclists Fighting Cancer have helped over 8,500 children in their rehabilitation from cancer by providing them with lightweight bikes, specially adapted trikes, cycling equipment and support.

Laura and Jason Kenny are Great Britain’s most decorated ever Olympians, with 12 Olympic cycling gold medals between them.

Laura and Jason say: “We’re really honoured to become patrons of Cyclists Fighting Cancer (CFC) and to support their crucial work with children and young people living with cancer throughout the UK. Cycling has been such a huge part of our lives for so long, so being involved with a charity which enables some of the most vulnerable children in our society to have their own new lightweight bike or adapted trike to help them in their rehabilitation is something that we are extremely passionate about. Cycling is our happy place, especially as a family with our son Albie, we love spending time together outside with all the physical and mental positives this brings, so to be part of making this possible for other families going through such difficult circumstances is very important to us.”

Mike Grisenthwaite, Founder and CEO says: “We are thrilled to have the support of Laura and Jason Kenny and couldn’t have wished for better patrons for our charity! Their enthusiasm and passion for sport and their understanding of our charity’s mission makes our partnership a very natural fit. We are excited to see what we can achieve together to help raise the profile of CFC and ultimately increase the number of children and families living with and beyond cancer that we can support.”


Cyclists Fighting Cancer (CFC) is a national children’s charity, founded in 2005 to give new lightweight bikes, tandems and specially adapted trikes to children and young people living with and beyond cancer. 

Exercise has been shown in numerous scientific studies to be the single most effective way of improving both physical and mental wellness for people surviving cancer – this is also especially true for children and young people. 

CFC encourages cycling as the best form of exercise-based rehabilitation for children because it provides physical and mental health benefits in a low impact, fun, sociable and exciting way. 

CFC also funds a network of Cancer Exercise Specialists who work closely with the twenty-one paediatric oncology units around the country to promote activity, exercise, and a healthy lifestyle. Adopting a healthy active lifestyle at an early age means these practices will be carried on into adulthood, establishing good life- long habits. 

Since 2005, CFC has supplied over 8,500 bikes to children living with cancer, as well as their families, enabling them to enjoy cycling as an activity together, often after years of hospitalization and upheaval.


For more information and enquiries, please contact:

Cyclists Fighting Cancer

Rachel Wignell, Fundraising Manager

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