- - 'Cycle Helmet Safety' by Hövding Sverige

'Cycle Helmet Safety' by Hövding Sverige

"Cycle Helmet Safety – What the industry doesn’t want you to know".

Film made by Hövding, April 2014.

Short film about why cycle helmets are far from as safe as we think they are, highlighting the gap between traditional cycle helmets and a new, radically different alternative: An airbag for cyclists.

"Hövding is the biggest thing since the emergence of the cycle helmet and, as a milestone, is equivalent to when the airbag was developed for cars."

– Maria Krafft, PhD, Associate Professor, Head of Division Traffic Safety & Environment at the Swedish insurance company Folksam.

"I have spent much of my professional life working on product safety at national and international level and I have never seen a cycle helmet that provided anything like the level of protection that the Hövding provides. Naturally I hope it will be used by a lot of people in the future"

– Stig Håkansson, former Director of Product Safety at the Swedish Consumer Agency.

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