- - "Bike Fit 2nd Edition" by Renown Physiotherapist Phil Burt is Out

“Bike Fit 2nd Edition” by Renown Physiotherapist Phil Burt is Out

Do you suffer from lower back pain after a long weekend ride? Do your shoes wear out on one side more than the other? Are you experiencing numbness in your hands, or knee pain? The fully updated second edition of this best-selling practical guide, written by renown physiotherapist  and leading Bike Fit expert Phil Burt , takes you step by step through the Bike Fit process – to ensure you maximize your cycling potential.

Packed with useful diagrams, step-by-step diagnostics and case studies, this is the must-read for any cyclist keen to get a performance advantage. Burt, former head physiotherapist at British Cycling and previously Team Sky consultant physiotherapist, has worked with hundreds of cyclists to help them solve these and many other classic cycling niggles.

In his book he outlines his methods to help you analyze your position and get the best from your bike. The right Bike Fit can mean the difference between a good ride and a bad one, but a professional fit can cost more than you paid for your bike.

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