- - Muc-Off Announces the Launch of Project Green

Muc-Off Announces the Launch of Project Green

Muc-Off has announced the launch of its Project Green; a commitment to deliver a multitude of environmentally-focused improvements across the British-based company’s business model. 

“Muc-Off is a company whose business depends on the natural world as our playground, we are focused on preserving our surroundings to ensure everyone can get the same level of freedom and enjoyment out of the Great Outdoors as we do.” – Alex Trimnell, CEO at Muc-Off

“As a brand which has always prided itself on developing products which limit the impact on the environment – from the original biodegradable bike cleaner to the concentrate version which was launched in 2012 – the business wanted to share its journey with consumers and build a trackable measure on how it strives for constant improvement,” adds Trimnell.

The first focus area is plastic reduction with the cleaning and maintenance brand aiming to eliminate over 30 tons of plastic by 2023. This will be achieved through product and service initiatives as well as changes to product supply chain, shipping and packaging and an online progress tracker is shown on the landing page of the Project Green micro site.

“As a key brand in the bicycle and motorbike community we have taken it upon ourselves to increase our focus on our environmental responsibilities. This is a focus that will continue as long as Muc-Off continues, and we will regularly add to these initiatives as we seek to be a leader in this field,” says Mike Cook, Business Development Director at Muc-Off.

The Project Green website details three key areas of focus: product initiatives, Refill & Recycle and partnerships.

The ‘Product Initiatives’ section of the Project Green website details the eco-driven changes we’ve made to specific products from making M094 PTFE-free and biodegradable to commissioning a CO2 impact report of the No Puncture Hassle Sealant, while, also remaining transparent by highlighting where the business could make improvements.

The ‘Refill & Recycle’ section focuses on the recent launches of the in-store bike wash refill stations for Muc-Off dealers. The retail refill station program is one of the primary drivers of our plastic reduction objective; forecasted to save over 90,000 plastic bottles from being produced each year.

In terms of partnerships, Muc-Off has teamed up with 1% for the Planet, pledging to donate 1% of annual sales of the Nano Tech bike wash sold through in-store refill stations to their global retail network to support non-profit organizations focused on the environment.

“We’re incredibly excited to welcome Muc-Off to our growing global movement of over 2,500 business members,” says Kate Williams, CEO of 1% for the Planet. “Not only is Muc-Off committed to supporting non-profits doing important work for our planet, but their new and innovative refill station initiative will allow people to make a more sustainable choice each time they need a refill.”

“We’ve also partnered up the Marine Conservation Society; this charity organizes regular beach cleans including in the area local to the Muc-Off HQ in Poole as well as tackling plastic packaging pollution in our seas. This engagement began as a result of Muc-Off making a donation to this environmental charity to compensate for an administrative error around recycling business waste,” explains Williams. 

Although the company has been separating and recycling waste and packaging from its headquarters for over a decade, there was a period from 2012 to 2016 when, as a small family business, it was unaware that once its turnover reached a certain threshold it had to register for a packaging recovery scheme. Since 2016, Muc-Off has been registered to the recovery scheme and the business now meet or exceed (where possible) the scheme’s criteria.

Muc-Off aims to ensure that Project Green is a focus which will never be finished; an ongoing commitment to deliver a multitude of improvements across the business. Future developments, updates and new partnerships will be announced via the Project Green website and through the Muc-Off’s social channels.


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