- - QIDI Vida Unveils New Smart AR Glasses

QIDI Vida Unveils New Smart AR Glasses

QIDI Vida has officially unveiled its new smart Augmented reality glasses, offering many of the same functions of smartwatches, sports headphones, cycling computers, heart rate monitors and walkie-talkies using AR+AI technology in a simple eyewear platform, allowing users to bid farewell to cumbersome device management and enjoy outdoor sports anytime, anywhere with just one pair of glasses

QIDI Vida uses high-tech HUD (Head-Up Display), similar to the technology used for aircraft and premium cars, and introduces it to the sports industry. Users can activate the HUD function at any time using voice control, enabling them to focus on the route ahead whilst simultaneously having access to information such as navigation, speed, heart rate, power and cadence, among other metrics. Another great function of the QIDI Vida is that users can also enjoy audiovisual entertainment through the optically perceived 100-inch AR  HUD screen, when having some downtime. 

As cyclists often travel in groups, QIDI Vida supports eSIM and team functionality, allowing real-time voice communication without releasing handlebars, and users can monitor their groups’ real-time locations. The glasses also have comprehensive sensing and monitoring capabilities including temperature, humidity, UV, air pressure, geomagnetism and acceleration. In addition to obtaining environmental and health information, it also features health warnings such as altitude sickness symptoms and high heart rate, as well as fall and collision detection functions. And, in the event of danger, it can send distress signals to teammates.

Additionally, QIDI Vida has a global voice recognition and interaction feature that allows you to control all functions within the device by voice. To better provide users with an immersive sports experience, QIDI Vida’s intelligent system will have the capability to instantly gather personalized sports data, enabling it to deliver timely voice alerts and broadcasts, including the duration of exercise, distance, the environment and the weather – all tailored to the user’s preferences.

QIDI Vida enables voice-controlled photos and video recordings, allowing users to capture moments whilst cycling or hiking without the need to stop. QIDI Vida supports connections with common cycling smart hardware such as Garmin, Wahoo, Apple, and Samsung, supports GPX route files, and is compatible with professional sports apps such as Strava, Keep, Zwift, Apple Health, and All Trails.

QIDI Vida also stands out for its lightweight and comfortable design with a dual-lens for a full-color data display, unlike competing AR glasses that typically have a single lens and limited color. This innovation significantly enhances and augments the user’s sports and reality experience.

Qidi Vida is looking for pledges on Kickstarter, where various 4G and Wi-Fi versions are listed, with prices starting at $329.

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