- - Armstrong Gives Testimony to Independent Reform Commission

Armstrong Gives Testimony to Independent Reform Commission

Lance Armstrong Gives Testimony for  Seven-Hour Before Independent Reform Commission 

Lance Armstrong’s attorney, Elliot Peters, revealed to the media today, that his client met with the Cycling Independent Reform Commission (CIRC) for seven hours in Washington last May.

Armstrong reportedly spoke with investigators and gave testimony about doping in cycling’s past, Peters further indicated.

However, Peters declined to detail exactly who was in the room or what Armstrong told them, but said Armstrong met with three people “running” the Cycling Independent Reform Commission and their attorney. A spokesman for the group did not immediately return a call or text message seeking comment. 

"It was a very good meeting," said Peters. "If you made a list of all the questions people would want to ask about Lance and his activities in cycling and everything else, those were the questions that were asked and answered."


The commission is chaired by Dick Marty, a Swiss politician and former Swiss state prosecutor. The other members are German anti-doping expert Ulrich Haas and Peter Nicholson, a former Australian military officer and war crimes investigator.

According to Peters, Armstrong’s willingness to meet with investigators is crucial in their efforts to determine whether former officials within the sport’s governing body (UCI) aided his doping.

The CIRC was established by Brian Cookson after he became UCI president last September, after winning a hotly contested election – on the platform of reform and transparency. 

Travis Tygart, head of the United States Anti-Doping Agency (USADA), has said in the past, that Armstrong’s lifetime ban for doping could be reduced if he provides information which assisted investigations.

However, Peters as insisted that Armstrong did not ask for, and was not offered, any deal in exchange for the meeting.

"There is no agreement and that was never discussed. We never asked for one," Peters said. "We do think the ban was unfairly harsh and should be reduced.

"He’s talking in the spirit of not trying to benefit by getting somebody else in trouble, but in the spirit of ‘let’s tell the truth’."

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