- - Fitbit Announces Integration With Strava

Fitbit Announces Integration With Strava

Fitbit announced today, that they’ve created an app that will allow all of its fitness trackers to automatically sync with Strava.

The integration now allows users to log their workouts with either a new or existing Fitbit tracker, and sync them to their Strava accounts.

The sync is done automatically, so there’s no need to upload or convert files.

The new app is available for free downloading on either an iOS or Andriod device for existing Fitbit owners, while the sync update is already included with new Fitbit devices and Strava apps.

This means that if you workout with a Fitbit device, you can have your stats added into Strava, as well as Fitbit.

That’s hugely compelling for users with years of workout history, which means they can compare newer workouts to older ones. Moreover, you won’t have to use two devices for all-day fitness and sleep tracking, as well as workouts.

“Strava works with dozens of activity tracking and GPS devices, but this two-way integration with market-leader Fitbit is the first of its kind,” said David Lorsch, VP of Business Development at Strava.

“Strava athletes using a Fitbit device like the Fitbit Surge can now choose to record their runs or rides with Strava and connect with our community, while using their Fitbit tracker to get a comprehensive view of their activity and sleep patterns,” he continued.



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