- - League of American Bicyclists Assessment: Bicycling in Cities Across USA

League of American Bicyclists Assessment: Bicycling in Cities Across USA

                                  NEW REPORT: WHERE WE RIDE



In the "Where we Ride: An Analysis of Bicycling in American Cities" report, we take a look at bicycle commuters throughout the nation, looking at broad trends (such as the three states that have had a more than 100% increase since 2005) and more particular analyses (such as top bike commuter rates in cities of various sizes).

We have crunched the numbers so that they are easy to share and easy to find. In this report, we take a look at:

  • The 25 cities in America with the most (estimated) bicycle commuters
  • How all 50 states rank according to bicycle commuters as a share of all commuters
  • How cities with a high percentage of bicycle commuters compare to other cities in their regions
  • How cities compare based upon multimodal commuters, looking beyond just bikes to other forms of transportation that involve more physical activity, including walking and transit
  • Cities where a majority of bicycle commuters are women

Download the report here.

Our hope is that this new report gives cyclists, policy makers and the general public a better idea of the breadth and diversity of cities that are better than the national average for bike commuters as a share of all commuters. It also facilitates comparisons between cities and states and we call out some of the major regional rivalries, including my hometown (Seattle) vs. the highest mode share city with a population of 500,000 (Portland).

Whether you are in Cascadia or the Heartland, there is information in this report to spark debate and enliven discussions about what is possible when people get to work by bicycle.

Earlier this fall we reported on the results of the 2012 American Community Survey for 70 cities. The overall trend is extremely positive with an almost 10% increase from 2011 and a 61.6% increase since 2000. The data that is released from year-to-year is not perfect, but is the best available data to track how many people primarily commute by bike and how those commuters change from year to year.


The American Community Survey is conducted every year by the U.S. Census Bureau. The survey is based upon a sample of the U.S. population and is released in 1 year estimates, 3 year average estimates and 5 year average estimates. The data in this report is based upon the 1 year estimate for 2012, the most recent year reported. As with all estimates based upon surveys, there are margins of error and we are happy to produce that data if you would like it.

Bicycle commuters are only counted in the data if they use a bicycle as their primary mode of travel for their commute to work. This practice does not count bicyclists who use a bicycle for less than the majority of their trip (e.g. a short bike ride to a transit stop), bicyclists who use a bicycle for less than the majority of their work week, or bicyclists who do not use a bicycle to get to work.

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