- - Chris Hoy and Vulpine Partner on Cycling Apparel Line

Chris Hoy and Vulpine Partner on Cycling Apparel Line

Following his foray into the bicycle market last year, British track champion, Sir Chris Hoy, is venturing into the apparel arena – by partnering with one of the Uk’s most popular brands of cycling togs – Vulpine.  

Which begs the question, can Vulpine make a pair of bib shorts to accommodate Sir Chris’ monster thighs?  😆 

Press Release


It’s in the press now, so if you haven’t already heard, Vulpine is now officially working with Sir Chris Hoy on a new cycling apparel brand, called (wait a sec, bear with me) HOY Vulpine.

WHAT????? Pardon? EXCUSE ME? For real?…I hear you say. For real. It’s a huge, potentially life-changing moment for us if we do this right.

It’s all very strange. I say to myself: “My little company is working with Chris Hoy: Britain’s most decorated Olympian and officially ‘nicest bloke in The Galactosphere’, figurehead for all things cycling and man who is”….you get the idea.

There were clues we were working together. Here’s Jess in a Classic Dri-Release T-Shirt riding a HOY track bike in Napoli!

And we’re not just doing a few bits, but teaming up to create a whole new brand of performance clothing that people will WANT to wear. 

It’s strange because, well, you know it, I know it, Sir Chris knows it, everyone (who knows us) knows it: We’re two years old. We’re tiddlers. We’re not players. We’re just start-ups. How on earth did we land this?

Because we’re really good at what we do. Chris wanted to partner with a brand he could identify with and trust. This was meant to be. Brilliant.

…OK, quick pause….You want to know what Sir Chris Hoy is like? Of course. Everyone does. I did.

He’s what you’d expect. He’s really, really, really nice, genuine, humble, intelligent, fair and very funny. And he knows cycling inside out. Not just the obvious performance side, but MTB, road, bike design; he’s a true cycling advocate, the real deal. 

Ok, good. Glad we got that out the way.

Yep, we just clicked. Both brands hold such similar values and beliefs.  We both want to help shape the face of cycling for the better, but above all, we want to demonstrate that cycling is FUN and there’s a place for everyone. Not to mention of course that we also love great kit, detail and design. The important stuff.

The last few months have been a whirlwind, all of which has been behind closed doors…until now. Getting together at Manchester Velodrome in March, home to British Cycling, was the turning point. James, Iszi and I, locked in a hermetically sealed corporate hospitality box overlooking the track, all day with Chris. We were there to nail what HOY Vulpine was going to be. If we got the gig (never count your chickens)…What were we going to make? Which colours, fabrics, and for which types of cycling? All of us were putting our heads together to decide how best to create this new brand, and one with meat on the bones, not just kit with logos on.

We talked about everything, had a laugh, ate sarnies, and Iszi, James and I tried not to get distracted. The entire men’s and women’s GB track teams were training just beyond us. I did have shivers down my spine when I chatted with Chris and the GB pursuit squads hurtled past, just over his shoulders.

There were a few moments when it became a little surreal. I am after all a huge racing cycling fan, I’d screamed at the TV when the chap in front of me had won those Golds. I’d felt the air pressure, heard the roar and been shocked by the power pulsing off him, watching him sprint in London. I couldn’t help but occasionally feel like pinching myself, wondering WHAT THE HELL AM I DOING HERE??

Then we’d crack on. Stuff to do.

GB Men’s Pursuit Squad, the day we went to Manchester

I’m not going to list every conversation, meeting, chat, text and conference call. But over these last few months we’ve designed a launch range and beyond for HOY Vulpine. The prototypes are being tested as I type, all of which you’ll see early next year. Both brands have signed on the dotted line and we’re officially doing business together.

You’ll see cycling apparel you WANT to wear, not feel you have to. Something different, but bringing the best design elements from HOY bikes, from Sir Chris and of course from Vulpine.

We know what we’re making, and we can’t wait to show you. But not until its finished. For now, you won’t hear that much, but when we’re feeling cheeky we’ll show you some sneak peeks on social media, blogs and newsletters.

For twitter follow Chris on @ChrisHoy or check out @HOYBikes, or follow us on @Vulpinecc, or if you’re a glutton for punishment, me on @aslongasicycle. Check out Vulpinecc for Instagrams.
Best of all, subscribe to our newsletter.

For now, I’m just getting used to the fact that this is happening for real…with Sir Chris ‘Too Nice’ Hoy.

Now let’s make you some great stuff.

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