- - Canyonlands: Bikepacking The White Rim Trail

Canyonlands: Bikepacking The White Rim Trail

words and photos by Chris Shane

The White Rim Trail traces a never-ending, breathtaking path along the edge of Canyonlands National Park in Utah. By bike, the world falls away in a single descent (mixed with a few hairpin turns), transporting the rider into a labyrinth of red sandstone canyons, mesas, and buttes.

Sinuously carved away by the Green River, the trail offers up epic climbs and gnarly descents, and everything from hard-packed gravel, loose sand, and exposed sandstone that seems to change just around every corner.

As professional photographers and filmmakers, Chris Bennett and I took off with the goal of riding the loop in two days. That would afford us just enough time for us to ride all day, carry our water, and document our experience as best we could. The video below attempts to do exactly that.

Canyonlands is a special place. While our ride was shorter, one can make their trip into whatever they dream up (provided they account for water). The canyon makes up for its lack of water in providing bountifully unique and meaningful experiences for each person who passes through.

Perhaps it’s the magnificence of geologic time laid out before our eyes, the endlessly pastel red sandstone and snow-capped La Salles in the distance, or maybe it’s the remoteness for those who crave it. Whatever your adventure preferences are, you can find it along the White Rim Trail.

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