Is graphene the next generation tire material? Apparently Vittoria thinks so, as the well-known Italian tire brand dedicated a division
Bont has launched a new flagship road shoe called the Helix, which features a unique continuous cable closure system
Who needs cake when you can have pie, in this case a PiCycle! If the PiCycle isn’t the sexiest, grooviest,
The week of patent discoveries continues with Shimano’s application for a new disc brake rotor cover that’s design to
The Col Collective Linking the Tarentaise and Maurienne valleys in the Savoie department of the French Alps, climbing the
A 2017 patent was recently discovered by the British cycling publication Bike Radar, evidencing that Campagnolo might be fast
article by Malini Sur In cities, people use bicycles for far more than just commuting and recreation. For many people,
Want to join the ranks of the Flandrian hardmen, or at least feel like one? To pay homage to
SILCA has launched its latest product called the Seat Capsule Premio, giving cyclists the option of a saddle bag that
The influx of electric bicycles inundating the market these days is so profound, it’s a wonder that there’s any