- - HR Bank Stationary Bike Harnesses Power While You Pedal

HR Bank Stationary Bike Harnesses Power While You Pedal

Tukas EV has launched a new stationary exercise bike dubbed the HR Bank, which is designed to harness power as you pedal.

After just 15 minutes of pedaling, the Lithuania-based start up claims the HR Bank is capable of generating between 50 to 300W/h of electricity as you pedal, as well as the ability to store up to 2kW. From there, riders can connect the bike to any output device, ranging from a smart phone to a major household appliance, while an hour of pedaling can provide enough energy to power a laptop for an hour.

Additionally, with the HR Bank’s ability to store 2kW of power, the bike falls within the “mini power station” category, offering enough electricity to power a light fixture for a week, keep a refrigerator powered for three days, or make 150 cups of coffee. The bike is also compatible with storing energy from other external power sources, such as solar, wind or even directly from the mains.

The HR Bank bike is fully customizable and comes in a a rage of colours, materials and finishes. Tukas EV says the bike is user-friendly for a wide range of riders, and is user friendly from young children, up to the elderly, thanks to the ability to significantly adjust the height and length of the bike, as well tilt or even remove the saddle for a child’s one, or remove entirely with the bars and pedal from a chair, sofa or even laying flat.    

Weighing a claimed 36kg/79lbs and wheelable, the cranks and pedals can also be removed, making it easy to relocated from home to a vehicle, making off grid van or tent life for a few days significantly easier. 

The company’s CEO Jonas Navickas says that the main aim of the HR Bank is to help create a greener planet.

“Humans waste countless amounts of energy, while natural resources are extremely limited.

“The idea was that a person who bought an HR bank could not only use it as an external battery, charged from the sun or the grid, but in the absence of an external power source, could generate energy while pedalling. Not only does exercising take care of one’s health, but it is also a step towards a more sustainable future.”

He also said the team developed the product to help people become less reliant on the grid. The brand point out that the HR Bank can be used when a consistent electrical supply is needed, such as for powering medical equipment when the grid is unreliable.

Navickas said the sight of people desperate for power in Ukraine influenced the design process.

“When the war in Ukraine started, I was shocked by the sight of people with many extension cords trying to get electricity from one power generator to charge their phones.

“We also thought about unpredictable natural disasters that leave people without electrical power for days or even months. Consequently, the idea of HR Bank was born.

Lastly, rather than the usual exercise bike data, the display screen on the HR Bank bike shows the current power in watts, the power usage as well as current usage. There is also a timer indicating how long it will take to both charge the battery bank to 100%, as well as drain at the current power consumptions. There’s also a statistic screen where it’s possible to analyze energy input and output over time.

 The HR Bank commands a hefty price of around $1,000. However, given its ability to charge from multiple energy sources, as well as use it to create power on demand does seem like a very fairly priced product for anyone wanting to live off grid.

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